If you are looking for an expert Gold Coast criminal law firm or an experienced criminal defence lawyer, Craven Gold Coast Criminal Lawyers are here to help.

Craven Lawyers Gold Coast is a leading criminal law firm providing expertise in all aspects of criminal law.

If you have been contacted by police or charged with a criminal offence on the Gold Coast, this is a serious matter. It can be a daunting experience for anyone. A conviction for a criminal offence can have life-changing consequences, potentially leading to job loss, strained relationships, housing issues, damage to your reputation, and even incarceration. How you handle these charges can profoundly impact your future.

You need a criminal law expert to help defend you and protect your rights and interests. Delaying or forgoing legal representation could result in unfavourable outcomes. Our lawyers can help you from your first dealings with the police to the end of your case. They are there for you every step of the way. Our team of lawyers will offer invaluable guidance, present all available options, and recommend the most effective course of action for your situation. Contacting our firm could be your best decision during this challenging time. Don’t navigate the criminal process on your own, get the best legal advice today.



Please speak to one of our criminal lawyers free of charge today and learn how we can best represent you. As a client-focused law firm, we believe in access to justice for everyone, and this starts with some free advice. Phone us today on 1800 529 000 and start protecting your future.

Gold Coast Criminal Lawyers- Southport Courthouse

When looking for a lawyer on the Gold Coast ask questions and do your research. Choosing a criminal lawyer is a critical one and may be one of the most important decisions you make in your life. The lawyer you choose can change your life for good.

If you’ve been contacted by the police or charged with an offence, don’t hesitate to contact Craven Lawyers immediately for the best defence. We have a proven track record of successfully defending criminal law clients against various crimes on the Gold Coast and Brisbane.  We are committed to launching the strongest possible defence on your behalf to achieve the best possible outcome. Our priority is safeguarding your rights and future, instilling hope in the criminal justice system. Whether you’re facing criminal charges or traffic charges, our criminal law solicitors are here to guide you through every step of the legal process. Count on our experienced lawyers to provide expert advice and representation of the highest calibre to achieve the best possible result.

If you are charged with a criminal offence on the Gold Coast, contact our Gold Coast lawyers today at 1800 529 000 and protect your future.

Your future may seem uncertain due to criminal charges.

You don’t have to navigate this challenging and stressful time alone.

Everyone deserves a chance to move past a single event without it defining or ruining their future.


Contact Us Now To Schedule an Appointment

We offer a free confidential consultation to discuss your case and tell you how we will defend you and your future.

Hire Our Highly Experienced Criminal Lawyers

When you choose our team, you’re choosing the expertise of our seasoned criminal lawyers. They will stand by your side, ready to fight for your rights.

Achieve The Future You Deserve

When you engage our office to represent you, our lawyers will do everything they can to protect you from being convicted of a crime.  


Step 1: We Listen To Your Story

Step 2: We Give You Knowledge

Step 3: We Plan How We Will Achieve You The Best Outcome



Continue Enjoying the Life You Love

Reduce or Eliminate the Possibility of You Going To Prison

We guarantee we will leave no stone unturned in your case to achieve the best outcome possible.

Achieve the Future You Deserve

We are committed to protecting your rights, giving you the chance to keep your job, a clean criminal record, and the freedom to continue enjoying life with the people who matter most.

Restore Peace and Stability to Your Life

We care deeply about you and your future. At Craven Lawyers, we firmly believe one event should not jeopardise your freedom, future, and livelihood. Our dedicated team is here to help you navigate this challenging time, ensuring your rights are protected and working tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome for you.


Our lawyers provide advice to clients charged with a range of criminal and traffic offences on the Gold Coast and throughout Queensland. Our lawyers can represent and provide advice for all areas of criminal law matters, including complex criminal charges, drug offences, domestic violence and much more. We can help you whether you decide to plead guilty or contest the charge and go to trial. We also help clients with traffic law matters such as drug driving and drink driving charges, applications for work licences or special hardship orders, bail applications, police interviews, appeals and representing clients at breaches of probation, community service orders or suspended sentences.



If the police have charged you with a crime, you need a Gold Coast criminal defence lawyer by your side who knows how the criminal justice system works. In criminal matters, there’s no room for second place in court. You deserve the best Gold Coast lawyer with a proven track record. Our criminal defence law firm specialises in criminal cases, and our experts are dedicated to your defence to achieve the best outcome. Don’t risk your freedom by consulting inexperienced lawyers. Choosing an average lawyer could jeopardise your liberty. Hiring a highly experienced criminal law solicitor gives you the best chance of achieving the best outcome possible.

Mr Justin Craven, at our office, is an expert in criminal law with over 15 years of experience in criminal law and Queensland courts. His clients have seen success with not-guilty verdicts, case dismissals, and reduced charges. He even secured a win in the High Court of Australia in the case of Coughlan v The Queen [2020] HCA 15. Very few lawyers can claim to have represented a client in the High Court of Australia, but Justin Craven can. Our results demonstrate our expertise in criminal law. Let our legal team help you achieve a win. You are in excellent hands when you engage Craven Lawyers Gold Coast to help you.



We understand that facing a criminal law charge can be overwhelming and frightening. That’s why we’re here to offer you support and unwavering pursuit of justice when facing the Caboolture Court. From the moment you reach out to us, you become part of our family. We listen to your story, concerns, and goals, ensuring we fully comprehend your situation. Our team of experienced lawyers will help you at all stages of your case, including the court process, while keeping you informed, empowered, and reassured.

We provide timely updates on the progress of your case to prioritise your peace of mind. We aim to alleviate your anxiety by ensuring you’re well-informed and involved in decision-making.

Choosing us means more than hiring a criminal defence team – it means gaining trusted allies who genuinely care about your well-being. We are deeply committed to making a positive difference in the lives of our clients.



If the police contact you, you must immediately get legal advice and representation from an experienced criminal lawyer. The decisions you make early on can significantly impact your case. Don’t wait until you’re charged, as sometimes, it may be too late. Get advice from a lawyer as early as possible to give yourself the best chance. Even if you haven’t been contacted by the police yet but anticipate it, we recommend speaking to a lawyer. An experienced lawyer can advise you on handling police interactions and safeguarding your rights.



Southport Magistrates Court and District Court

Location: Corner of Davenport and Hinze Streets, Southport QLD 4215. 

Phone: 1300 516 700.


Coolangatta Magistrates Court  

Location: 136 Musgrave Street, Coolangatta, QLD 4225

Phone: (07) 5513 9700. 


Do I Need A Lawyer?

You’ve probably heard the saying, “He who represents himself has a fool for a client”.” When the police charge you with a crime, it’s a serious matter. The legal system is complex, and a conviction can change your life. Not everyone accused of a crime is guilty. Trying to represent yourself might harm your case more than help it.

Experienced criminal lawyers have years of training and know-how in criminal law. They can examine evidence and determine if there’s a defence available. What seems like a strong case against you might look weak to a criminal defence lawyer. There could be crucial evidence missing. A skilled lawyer could find a strong defence or make a compelling argument for why the prosecution should drop the case. This could result in dropped charges or a not-guilty verdict. Hiring a criminal lawyer is the first step toward a successful outcome.


How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Criminal Lawyer? 

The cost of hiring a lawyer varies based on factors like the type of offence police have charged you with and the services you need.

Lawyers typically charge clients either by the hour or with a fixed fee.

Hourly rate billing means the lawyer will charge you for the time they spend on tasks, usually in six-minute increments. This method can be seen as rewarding inefficiency because even quick tasks are billed for the minimum time. Lawyers may use this when the scope of work is uncertain.

With fixed-fee billing, clients pay a set amount for specific tasks. This provides clarity on legal costs and helps with budgeting. It’s the preferred method for Craven Lawyers.


Will I Get A Conviction Recorded? 

Determining if someone will have a conviction recorded can be tricky. The law requires the Court to consider factors like the type of offence, the person’s character and age, and how having a conviction will affect their job prospects.


What Should I Do If The Police Contact Me? 

If the police contact you, you must contact a criminal lawyer immediately. Being contacted by the police indicates you’re under their scrutiny for something. Don’t assume your innocence means you don’t need legal assistance. Even innocent individuals seek the guidance of criminal lawyers early on. A criminal lawyer can offer initial advice on your rights, what to anticipate, and how to interact with the police.


Do I Need To Speak To The Police? 

If police question you about a crime, you’re only required to give them your name and address. If they ask for identification to confirm this, you must provide it. Avoid saying anything else except that you want to talk to a lawyer.

Keep in mind, police often record conversations, starting from the first interaction. Anything you say can be used against you in court, whether recorded or not. Always consult a lawyer before speaking to the police, regardless of how innocent their questions may seem.


Police Have Asked Me to Take Part In An Interview, What Should I Do? 

Our standard advice is to advise clients against agreeing to an interview with the police. Based on our experience, those who participate in police interviews often struggle to convince them not to press charges.

There are several compelling reasons why we suggest avoiding police interviews, which we detail here:


Please note that police typically carry recording devices and begin recording conversations from the outset. Anything you say to them, whether recorded or not, could be used against you in court. It’s essential to consult with a lawyer before speaking to the police, regardless of how innocent their questions may appear.

Keep in mind, police often record conversations, starting from the first interaction. Anything you say can be used against you in court, whether recorded or not. Always consult a lawyer before speaking to the police, regardless of how innocent their questions may seem.



Should you do an interview with police? 

Convictions Queensland

When will a conviction for a criminal offence be recorded? 

Writing a character reference

What do you say in a Character Reference? 


If you have been charged with a criminal offence on the Gold Coast, you probably have several questions you want answered. We have created various videos on criminal law topics and the court process to help guide you through what may seem to be a difficult time. We are here to help and support you through these times. If you have questions after seeing our videos, please feel free to phone us on 1800 529 000 and one of our criminal lawyers will help you.