Are Consent Orders Legally Binding?
Clients often wonder are Consent Orders legally binding? When a Consent Order is issued, it holds the same weight as a Court Order made by a Judge after a contested court hearing. The other party can request court enforcement if a party does not follow a Consent Order. Whether it relates to property settlement or parenting arrangements, a Consent Order can be enforced if breached. For instance, if a parenting Consent Order states specific visitation times and one parent doesn’t adhere to it, the other can seek court intervention. Similarly, enforcement can be sought if a former partner fails to fulfil a financial obligation outlined in the Consent Order.
Typically, parties adhere to Consent Orders as the prospect of Court enforcement dissuades non-compliance. Since Consent Orders stem from a mutual agreement between parties, compliance is usually willingly maintained.
In summary, Consent Orders, whether obtained through mutual agreement or after a contested hearing, carry the same legal weight. The primary difference lies in the process; Consent Orders are issued without needing a courtroom appearance.
For assistance with Consent Orders, contact Craven Lawyers. We specialise in Consent Orders and offer fixed-price services to simplify the process and ensure clarity without unexpected fees. Contact us today for reliable guidance through the Family Court system from our experienced family lawyers.
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