Our Brisbane traffic lawyers can help you with all your traffic law matters. Traffic offences are some of the most common offences committed by everyday individuals. If you drive a vehicle, you can be accused of a traffic offence. While you may think traffic offences are minor, they can have significant consequences. Think about what would happen if you lost your driver licence. For some, losing a licence can mean losing their job, business, and ability to transport family to and from places.

Losing your licence can be a big thing, but so too can the penalty you may face for a traffic offence. Penalties for traffic offences can range from low fines to terms of imprisonment. Our lawyers understand how important a driver licence is to you and how losing a licence can have significant consequences for you and your family.

You may not think it, but traffic law is a complex area of law that needs expertise. You must get legal advice early, as timing is everything. Do not risk navigating this area of law on your own or appearing in court on your own- get an expert.

Our lawyers are here to help you get back on the road as soon as possible and achieve the best possible outcome for your situation. Don’t risk representing yourself.

Our experienced traffic lawyers can help you with such charges and applications as:

drink driving.

special hardship licences.

* dangerous driving charges.

unlicensed driving.

work licence applications.

drug driving charges.

u-turn permitted sign
40 speed limit sign
Give Way sign
Stop sign




We’re Ready To Help You And Fight For Your Case Now!


Drink driving, and DUI (Driving Under the Influence) offences are very common traffic violations in Queensland. They happen when someone drives with more alcohol in their system than the legal limit allowed for their type of driver licence. The punishment for these offences depends on the type of licence the person holds and how high their blood alcohol concentration is.

If you find yourself in a situation where your alcohol level is too high and you need legal help, reach out to Craven Lawyers. Our team of DUI lawyers in Brisbane are experienced and dedicated to getting the best outcome for you.

Many people may not realise they’re breaking the law by driving after drinking. It’s not uncommon for someone to be charged with drink driving even if their alcohol level is only slightly above the legal limit. A blood alcohol concentration of 0.05% still counts as a drink driving offence.

You can also face charges for being ‘in charge’ of a vehicle while being over the legal alcohol limit. For instance, if you are found asleep in the driver’s seat with the car keys in your lap, you could still be charged with a similar offence to drink driving, regardless of whether you intended to drive.

The penalties for drink driving and DUI offences include mandatory licence disqualifications of at least one month with fines. In some cases, you might qualify for a drink driving work licence, allowing you to continue driving for work purposes during your disqualification period.

If you are facing a charge for drink driving, it’s crucial to have an expert DUI lawyer in Brisbane by your side. Contact Craven Lawyers today for assistance.



Driving under the influence of dangerous drugs in Queensland is just as serious as drink driving. If you’re caught in this situation, having our Brisbane DUI lawyers on your side is essential to protect your rights.

There are two levels of drug driving offences. The less severe one is when a person is charged with driving while traces of a relevant drug are found in their blood or saliva. This doesn’t necessarily mean they were affected by the drug; it simply means it could be detected in their system. This offence is more common than people realise because some drugs stay in the body for a long time after use. So, even if you haven’t taken drugs recently, you could still be charged with drug driving.

The more serious offence is when someone is charged with driving under the influence of a drug. This means their ability to drive was impaired because of the drug they consumed. Whether you’re considered influenced by a drug depends on factors like the type and amount of drugs consumed or your actual ability to drive after taking them.

Penalties for drug driving are like those for drunk driving and can include licence disqualification and fines. Depending on the circumstances, you might be eligible for a drug driving work license.

Our team of dedicated DUI lawyers in Brisbane can assist you in applying for a work licence and provide the expert support you need.



Drivers are supposed to drive safely and always pay attention to ensure they don’t endanger themselves or others on the road.

Sometimes, a driver might get distracted by something or someone, causing them to drive without the necessary care and attention. In such cases, they could be charged with careless driving.

This offence is quite common when someone has been in a crash. For instance, if you’re looking away from the road for too long to change the radio station and not noticing that the traffic ahead has stopped, resulting in a crash, you could be charged with careless driving.

Even if you don’t cause a crash, you can still be charged with careless driving if you weren’t driving attentively. The focus is on whether you were driving carefully, not on the outcome of your driving.

The punishment for careless driving usually involves a fine and the loss of demerit points. Depending on how severe the offence is, a judge might also suspend your driver’s license for some time.

If you’re dealing with a careless driving charge, getting advice from a knowledgeable traffic lawyer in Brisbane is essential. Contact Craven Lawyers for help from an expert who understands the laws specific to your state.



Dangerous driving is treated more seriously than other traffic violations. This is because it is a criminal offence under Section 328A of the Queensland Criminal Code.

The term “dangerous driving” covers many risky driving behaviours. To determine if someone’s driving was dangerous, the court examines whether the driver operated the vehicle at a speed or in a manner that posed a danger to the public. They also consider factors like the condition of the car, where the driving occurred, and whether the driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time.

The offence is viewed as even more severe if the driver was:

  • Affected by alcohol or drugs.
  • Driving excessively fast or participating in an illegal race or speed test.
  • They had a previous conviction for the same offence.

If a dangerous driver causes harm or death to another person, the penalty becomes even harsher. The maximum penalty for a serious dangerous driving charge is 14 years in prison.

While most traffic violations are handled in the Magistrates Court, serious dangerous driving charges are dealt with in the District Court. For professional guidance and assistance in fighting a dangerous driving charge, the expert traffic lawyers at Craven Lawyers can provide valuable help.



Disqualified driving is considered one of the most severe driving offences, occurring when someone drives despite being banned from holding or obtaining a driver’s license by a court order.

For instance, if you’re caught driving under the influence of alcohol and the court bans you from driving for a certain period, driving during that time will lead to a charge of disqualified driving, requiring you to appear in court again.

This offence is taken very seriously because driving while disqualified is seen as a direct violation of a court order. As a result, the penalties can be severe, with a minimum disqualification period of two years, possibly extending to five years. Fines exceeding $6,000 and imprisonment for up to 18 months are also possible.

If you’re charged with disqualified driving, seeking legal representation from experienced traffic lawyers in Brisbane is crucial.



Driving without a valid driver’s licence is against the law in Queensland. The penalty you face depends on why you didn’t have a license and other factors like your past driving record.

You might only get a fine if you didn’t renew your license after it expired. But you could also have your license taken away.

If you were suspended by the State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER), your licence will be taken away for at least a month, and you’ll get a fine.

If you lose your licence because of demerit points, you’ll lose it for at least six months and receive a fine.

If a court orders you to lose your licence, you’ll be without it for at least two years, possibly up to five, and you’ll get a hefty fine.

There are other reasons why you might be caught driving without a license, and the penalty will vary based on those reasons. In severe cases, like if you keep driving after being disqualified multiple times, you could even end up in jail.



In Brisbane, a restricted licence, often called a work license, is available to individuals who have been convicted of a drink driving or drug driving offence. You can apply for this license through the court if you meet certain eligibility criteria. A restricted licence comes with specific conditions that you must follow while driving.

If you need assistance with applying for a restricted licence, you can reach out to us and contact the expert Brisbane Traffic Lawyers.



If you accumulate too many demerit points or speed over 40 km over the speed limit, you may be eligible to apply for a Special Hardship Order. A Special Hardship Order allows people to continue driving during their licence suspension for specific purposes. One purpose is for work; the other is if you or a family member would suffer severe and unusual hardship if you could not drive. You can apply for a Special Hardship Order if you meet the eligibility criteria.

We have helped many clients achieve successful applications for Special Hardship Orders.



For expert guidance, contact Craven Lawyers, Brisbane’s premier traffic lawyers. We’re dedicated to offering you the tailored legal counsel and support you require to navigate your situation effectively. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. 

Call us on 1800 529 000 or visit our contact page to get in touch.